Chicago Back and Neck Injury Lawyers

If you suffered a slipped disc, a herniated disc, a spinal cord injury, nerve damage, or other back or neck injuries while working, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.

A Chicago neck and back injury lawyer at Martay Law Office can help you get your medical bills paid, and recover compensation for a portion of your lost wages, temporary or permanent disability, vocational rehabilitation, and more. If your employer is not providing you with full and fair financial compensation for your work-related injuries, give our legal team a call.

  • 100+ Years of Experience
  • 97% Success Rate
  • FREE Legal Advice
  • No Recovery, No Fee
  • If You Can’t Come to Us, We’ll Come to You

Our injury lawyers offer a free initial consultation to accident victims, so obtaining legal advice won’t cost you anything out of pocket. 

Let an experienced attorney at Martay Law Office help you get the workers’ comp benefits you need. Call 312-372-9022

We Help Injured Workers Recover the Benefits They Are Due

The back and neck injury lawyers at Martay Law Office only provide legal services to injured victims. With more than 100 years of combined experience helping people get workers’ compensation benefits for severe back injuries, neck injuries, and other serious injuries, our legal team has consistently obtained positive results for our clients — results that relieve financial burdens, help people get the medical care they need, and return injured workers to their jobs.

How to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim for Back or Neck Injuries

Although the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act is designed to streamline the recovery process for injured employees in the state, filing a claim and obtaining benefits for workplace back or neck injuries is not always an easy process. By following the proper steps and allowing our attorneys to handle your claim, you’ll increase your chances of success and make the most of your claim.

Reporting Your Injury to Your Employer

Back and neck injuries are not always symptomatic right away. Some people don’t have pain or other symptoms for hours, or even days, after their accidents happen. Be sure you let your employer know about your injury as soon as you are aware that it occurred. In Illinois, injured employees have just 45 days to report their workplace accidents to their employers. If you fail to make a report in time, you could be barred from recovering compensation for your medical bills and lost wages.

Get Examined by a Medical Professional

Get checked out by a medical professional as soon as you think something is wrong. Make sure to tell your doctors about how you suffered the injury, so the proper procedures can be followed. Your doctor will provide you with a treatment plan that includes information about whether you need to take time off of work, any physical restrictions, and follow-up care like physical therapy, surgery, medications, or other treatment options. 

Document Your Workplace Accident

Even though workers’ compensation is a no-fault system, we’ll need to show that your injury happened while you were working. Write down anything you can remember about the accident that caused your injuries, and take photos of where the accident occurred. Get the names and contact information of any coworkers or other witnesses who may have seen the incident or the conditions that caused you to get hurt. If you are unable to gather evidence, ask a coworker to help out. 

Follow-Up On Your Claim

In Illinois, employers are required to report workplace accidents to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission. This step is the start of your workers’ compensation claim. Make sure you verify with your employer that the report was properly filed, and includes the date of the injury, how it occurred, and the injuries you sustained. 

Contact Our Back Injury Lawyers

Consult with our neck injury lawyers as soon as you are able. Your employer’s insurance company will likely try to minimize your injuries to reduce the amount of compensation you receive. They may even try to confuse you about the types of benefits that are available, or deny your work injury claim altogether. Our attorneys will answer your questions, address your concerns, and make sure your rights are protected. 

Benefits Available for Back and Neck injuries

The benefits that are available to you after suffering a back or neck injury at work will depend on the type and severity of your injury. Common types of benefits injured employees like you receive include:

Wage Reimbursement

If your injuries are severe enough that you are unable to return to work, you’ll be entitled to receive ⅔ of your average weekly wage while you recover. If you are able to return to work part-time, or in a position that pays less, you’ll be entitled to compensation to help make up the difference between what you made before the accident and what you’re able to make now. 

Medical Bills

Workers’ compensation insurance will cover all of your expenses for necessary medical treatment that’s required because of your injury. This includes, but is not limited to, hospital stays, physician appointments, surgery, pain treatments, physical therapy, medications, medical equipment, and more. 

Vocational Rehabilitation

If your injuries will prevent you from returning to your pre-accident occupation in the future, you may be entitled to vocation training to prepare you for another line of work. If you are eligible, you’ll receive free education or training, as well as a weekly payment to help you make ends meet while you’re still recovering. 

During your FREE consultation, our work injury lawyers will review your case and determine whether these and other benefits are available to you. 

Common Occupational Back and Neck Injuries

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers suffer over one million back-related injuries on the job each year. Common occupational back and neck injuries are prevalent among workers in various industries. Back injuries may include strains, sprains, herniated discs, or even spinal fractures. Neck injuries, such as whiplash or cervical strains, can occur due to sudden movements or poor posture.

Workers in physically demanding jobs like construction, healthcare, and manufacturing are particularly susceptible to these injuries. Office workers also face risks from extended computer use and improper desk setups.

Some of the most common occupational back and neck injuries in Chicago include: 

  • Whiplash: The most common complaints that accompany work-related whiplash include pain and stiffness in the neck, headaches, and even dizziness. In some cases, whiplash can also manifest through cognitive and psychological symptoms like difficulty concentrating or memory problems.
  • Sprains and Strains: These injuries often occur due to sudden, forceful movements, lifting objects that are too heavy or lifting incorrectly, or repetitive movements. Common symptoms include pain and a restricted range of motion in the neck, hindering your ability to turn or bend comfortably.
  • Slipped or Herniated Disks: Slipped or herniated disks occur when the soft cushion between your vertebrae bulges or breaks, pressing on nerves. This can cause pain, numbness, and weakness, especially in the lower back and legs, depending on the location of the herniation. 
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Falls, heavy lifting, and machinery accidents can damage the spinal cord, leading to paralysis, chronic pain, and mobility issues. These injuries can have a lifelong impact on a worker’s daily life and career.

For some workers, these symptoms resolve with physical therapy, treatment, and time, and they can eventually return to work. For others, however, the effects of neck or back injuries sustained at work are long term or permanent, leaving victims with severe pain and disability. Many workers never regain mobility or other functions lost as a result of their injuries. 

Causes of Back and Neck Injury

Workers in nearly every role and industry have at least some risk of suffering neck or back injuries at work. These injuries are often caused by repetitive movements, poor ergonomics, lifting heavy objects, and prolonged sitting or standing. 

Some of the most common causes of back and neck injuries in Chicago workplaces include: 

  • Slipping or falling – particularly from heights
  • Exerting too much force on the back – such as from pushing, lifting, or otherwise moving heavy objects 
  • Repetitive motion – particularly those requiring rotating or twisting of the spine
  • Sitting for extended periods in a chair with inadequate support or while having bad posture

The no-fault workers’ compensation system is designed to ensure workers like you have access to medical treatment, and that their families are not forced into financial hardship because of a workplace accident. As an Illinois worker, you have a right to workers’ compensation benefits if you suffered a back or neck injury in a workplace accident, even if your employer’s negligence did not cause your serious injury. Unfortunately, without back and neck injury attorneys on your side, getting medical care and obtaining compensation for your lost wages is not always easy.

If you suffered neck, back, or spinal cord injuries while working in Chicago, put our experience to work for you. Contact our law firm today for a free consultation.

FAQs About Back and Neck Injuries

Should You Hire a Back and Neck Injury Lawyer?

Although you aren’t required to hire a back injury lawyer for your workers’ compensation claim to be successful, doing so ensures that your rights are protected, and that you receive the benefits you are entitled to receive. 

Can Your Employer Force You to Go Back to Work After a Back or Neck Injury?

In most cases, your employer cannot force you to go back to work after a back or neck injury. Here’s a breakdown of your rights:

  • Doctor’s Clearance: Generally, you need to be medically cleared by your doctor to return to work. This means your doctor needs to confirm that you’ve recovered enough to perform your job duties safely and without risking further injury.
  • Reasonable Restrictions: If your doctor clears you to return to work with restrictions (e.g., lifting limitations), your employer is typically obligated to accommodate these restrictions if they are reasonable.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind:

  • Company Policy: Some companies may have policies regarding light duty work for injured employees. This could be a temporary solution while you recover.
  • Communication: Keep open communication with your doctor and employer regarding your recovery and any restrictions.

Your health and safety are paramount. Don’t feel pressured to return to work until you’re medically cleared and feel confident you can perform your duties safely. If you feel pressured to return to work before you’re ready, consult with a workers’ compensation attorney at our law firm to understand your legal options.

Helpful Resources From Our Neck Injury Lawyers

How Soon Should You Return to Work After a Workers’ Comp Injury in Illinois?

How Long Do I Have to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim After a Workplace Injury in Illinois?

What Do I Do If I Failed to Report My Work Injury?